November 4, 2015

Spanish 3 Assessment for Thur/Fri Nov 5/6

You are going to be given 3 prompts (and the first one has 3 parts)
  1. You're daily routine (use at least 4 different reflexive verbs and write at least 12 sentences)
    1. What used to be your daily routine when you were really little?
    2. What is your daily routine nowadays?
    3. What is going to be your routine over the winter (or Thanksgiving) break?
  2. What did you do last weekend? Or, what did you do on election day (Tuesday)? (use more than 5 different verbs)
  3. What did you give and buy to/for who last December? Or, what will you buy and give to who this December? (include at least 4 indirect object pronouns)